Withdrawal Form


Tax Identification Number: B-86 408 879
CL. Jorge Juan, 85. (4ºDcha)
28009 MADRID 

Tfno. 91 161 0191 

Order number  …………………….

In ......................, on ...................... 2020

Mr/Ms ...................................... of legal age, with DNI (ID number) ........................... , and address at ….........................…. , ….................…. By means of the present document, I exercise the right of withdrawal established in the Revised Text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users, RDL 1/2007, of 16 November, with respect to the purchase of AVEDIAN dietary and nutritional products, purchased on ......................................... and received on ............................................... Notification of this withdrawal is duly made at least 14 days in advance, as established in the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the www.avedian.es website. Please sign the receipt of this notice for the purpose of confirming that the notification has been received.


Teléfono 61 825 8144

¿Quieres que un profesional te asesore gratis?

Déjanos tus datos y un experto te llamará para recomendarte el tratamiento y productos que realmente necesitas.